Propeller Performance Treatment

Propellers require periodic maintenance. Each blade foils in the water creating ‘lift,” which translates into your yacht’s propulsion.

In order to optimize the best consumption to performance ratio, the blades must very clean. Growth on a blade (even if minor growth) reduces propulsion. A blade is like a wing of an airplane, if there is ice formed (or barnacles) it won’t lift and the crash risk increases.

A clean propeller will propel your vessel at the same speed, utilizing less fuel and putting less strain on the engine. To ensure the brass stays clean, after polishing and greasing, we treat the brass propellers with Prop Speed.

From PropSpeed:

“PropSpeed Clear Coat is a super-slick, silicone-based topcoat component of the innovative, long-lasting Propspeed Foul Release Coating System that eliminates marine growth on propellers, running gear, & other metal surfaces below the waterline for up to 2 years.

It provides a smooth surface with low critical surface tension that's so slick barnacles and weeds simply can't stick to it. You'll increase your speed on the water, while spending less on fuel and maintenance. It also contains no copper or other toxic substances so it's safe for marine life.”


Buffing and Waxing


Potable Water Filters